Neubrandenburg -Tessin- Rostock- Warnemunde

17/08/2012 09:48

We had intended cycling to the local Evangelical Church, but awoke to torrential rain. As there was a car park in the vicinity of the church, we decided to drive ther. We arrived in good time for the service: in fact we were the first ones in. Realising there was no pew sheet, we went to the lectern to find out the readings. Having found them in our bible, and finding all the hymns in the book, we thought we would be fairly well prepared. However, we soon lost our way when the responses started up.... nice organ playing though.

Our next aire was just off the A20 motorway at Tessin. Parts of the village looke like the land time forgot: chickens in trees, antiquated farm machinery, deserted factories and  hardly a soul around. Sunday really is Ruhetag (quiet day).


We travelled on to Rostock, but have found recently that many local signs are less than helpful. The sign to the TIC actually pointed to the Post Office !

Brick gothic architecture is very apparent in this area. Many public buildings as well as town houses and the city gates are in this style. Rostock`s Marienkirche has a famous astronomical clock which chimes on the hour, but heaven forbid if you want to take a photo at 12.00: iti s guarded by a woman who would have done the SS proud.

Drove on to Warnemunde, a favourite stopping place for cruise ships, and there were a couple in port when we arrived. It is hard to realise how immense they really are until you are up close. Warnemunde itself is a charming and pretty seaside and fishing community. Its charm is not diminished by the hoardes of tourists. We had afternoon tea in a cafe on the prom, and then followed signs to the Leuchtturm (lighthouse) and Teepott (teapot), only to find that the latter is not a teapot, nor shaped like one - it`s just a cafe called Teepott. The sand is absolutely beautiful: shame about the wind. The beach chairs here even have a wicker basket or hood to protect the sitter.